You know a skiff is great when a company is forged around it. We offer 4 different models including our Tournament model, built to your specifications. Use it with tiller steering, center or side console the choice is up to you.

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The Mitzi 16 is a sponson type boat hull in which the transom extends around the outboard as seen in the picture below. What’s this do for the flats fisherman? This configuration allows the boat to have a great hole shot where the transom of the boat does not want to dig down, allowing the boat to hop on plane in shallower water and quicker.
The sponsons also put buoyancy past the outboard to keep the draft shallower overall. The 16’s have a huge amount of storage, in the 3 rear hatches and under the front deck. More than most skiffs of the size.
A large front casting deck makes this skiff the fly fishermans dream or the spin fisherman who likes a lot of room to work, and play fish. Go see your local dealer and test ride a Mitzi 16, the skiff you hoped was out there.
Mitzi 16 Specs:
15′-10″ Length 5′- 10″ Beam
Cockpit avg. depth 15″
Transom height 20″
470 Lbs hull weight (empty hull)
6″ Draft – loaded with 2 anglers
Bottom type – Modified Vee, 12 degree deadrise (vee) at transom MITZI 16
Molded Nonskid Deck
Walk Around Gunwales
Aluminum Poling Platform Frame w/ Non-skid top
Portable fuel tanks under front deck-Optional built in available
Optional plumbing for release well – Great for Tournament fisherman
Large dry storage area
3 hatches / compartments
Recommended power -40- 60 Hp Outboard
Remote or tiller steering models
Foam floatation in bottom of hull
4 – Fly rod tubes (fit up to 8 – 9′ fly rods)
Stainless pull up cleats (Accon)
Self draining cockpit into bilge
Teleflex steering
Heavy duty rub rails
2019 Capacity changes:
3 person 450 lbs
940 lbs
50 hp
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