You know a skiff is great when a company is forged around it. We offer 4 different models including our Tournament model, built to your specifications. Use it with tiller steering, center or side console the choice is up to you.

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“I was fishing partner for one of the captains for a few of the IFA tournaments in Texas and must say that the boat is awesome. We have done a lot of fishing together and I must say that I have seen few if any other boats that will do what your 17 ST model can do. There were quite
a few times that I would look behind the boat and see nothing but bare sand in our wake. All I could do was shake my head, close my eyes, and pray that we didn’t stick the boat. Well it never got stuck, and we never lost time fishing because we couldn’t get to an area we wanted to. The way he has the boat set up, we also left no prop scars, because the prop is above the bottomline of the boat (when running extremely shallow). An incredible product at a very attractive price. Keep up the good work.”
Capt. Lester Lehman
I ran the boat to the Marquesas from Key West. We used the boat to fish for permit, tarpon, and bonefish on the flats. It was nearly silent even in a chop, as quiet as any other boat I have ever been in. It poles as well as any 17 I have poled. We also used the boat to venture out for snapper, sharks, dolphin, and anything else that came along. It handled all these chores with ease, even when we ventured out to the blue water to search for dolphin. The boat is remarkably dry too. In short, the Mitzi did everything I asked it to, and all the members of the crew on this trip were quite impressed by its performance. I intend to put my Maverick Mirage up for sale this week and want to talk to you about getting a Mitzi 17 for myself.”
Captain John Kumiski
Author; Flyfishing for Redfish, Flyrodding Florida Salt, Outdoor writer, and Flyfishing guide.
“The Mitzi 15 can be fished in areas normally reserved for jon boats, and has the added advantage of poling quietly. It’s a no nonsense skiff for the practical shallow water fisherman.”
Captain John Kumiski
“I sold my 18 Action Craft to get the new 17 Mitzi Skiff, and very glad I did, the Mitzi out performs it in every way. It’s an awesome boat and my clients love it. I just love my Mitzi Skiff! “Captain Ed
South Carolina
“I am a licensed guide here in Kansas and in the Florida Keys during the summers. My Mitzi does exactly what I wanted it to to, gets me into shallow water for our Kansas Bonefish (carp) and into the shallow salt for real Bonefish.”
“I have even convince one of my fishing friends here in Kansas to purchase a Mitzi as well. He is getting his Kansas guide license next year.”
Captian Sodie
“I am writing from the coast of North Carolina where I have finally been able to put my Mitzi 17 in the water. I have put the first 6 hours on it this weekend and love it already. With trim tabs and the Yamaha 70 2-stroke, it jumps up on plane almost instantly. Our sounds, while beautiful, generally only have a couple of feet of water and the 17 handles them with ease. The boat is fast and smooth. It is just what I hoped. I have been boating since I was a kid growing up in Ft. Lauderdale in the 60’s. This is a great boat, perhaps the best I have owned. Thanks for that. Let me know if I can ever help by showing the 17 to other interested folks.”
Max Wallace
North Carolina
“I really have enjoyed the boat and have added some accessories to the boat to improve the shallow water performance. Here in south Texas Tom, the fishing flats are considered between 6 inches of water to a foot. I added a Bob’s Ultra Light flats jack that has helped tremendously in getting up in shallow water. I am now able to get up on a plane in approximately 7 inches of water where before this was not possible with the current setup. I have had a lot of inquires regarding your boat and of course everyone wants a demonstration of its capabilities. I’m having lot of fun [on] the boat and the majority of my clients seem to like it.”
Captain Ryan Maza
Laguna Vista, Texas, on the Mitzi ST
“My name is James Harrington I am a member of First Coast Fly Fishers. My fishing partner for the day was Scott Sheridan, who swears Mitzi Skiff is the only boat he will ever own. I was amazed at how the Mitzi got up on the plane with almost 450 lbs of people and gear. This was the first time that I had poled from a platform, the stability and balance of the craft was very impressive. I was expecting to tip and teeter with every movement, I felt very safe on the platform. I have to say the boat was light weight and easy to push.”
“I would like to congratulate you on an excellent craft, “My uncle can keep his Ranger!” I want a Mitzi!”
James Harrington
“First of all I’d like to compliment Mitzi skiffs for putting out a great product. My brother bought a Mitzi 16 with a Yamaha 60 from Central Florida Marine in Maitland, Fl. It is an awesome boat. It does everything you say it does and more. I’m in the process of starting my own guide service and was considering using a Mitzi as my platform. Does Mitzi Skiffs have a guide program? Other manufactures have guide programs but Mitzi is the boat that will do what I want better than the others.”
Captain Eric Perez